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Only 37% of youth report feeling a sense of personal power, and only half feel that their life has a purpose.... posted on Sep 13 2001, 604 reads


The lunar cycle and lunar phases are observable behaviorally and physiologically in numerous life forms. These effects occur in fish, shellfish, insects, mammals (including humans), and plants. For example, shellfish renew their shells, Guppy-fish have a color sensitivity on their back that is most responsive during Full Moon, etc. ... posted on Sep 12 2001, 450 reads


Each time you log-on to the Rainforest Jukebox [], the site's sponsors will purchase and preserve the equivalent of two square-feet of rainforest. The website, created by Australia's 20-year-old Rainforest Information Center, features more than 40 tracks of streaming audio by Midnight Oil, Cruel Sea, the Warumpi Band, and others. Lands being saved include several t... posted on Sep 11 2001, 571 reads


Canada - When the Texada Land Corp. started logging old-growth Douglas fir and Garry oak on Saltspring Island in November 1999, field naturalist Briony Penn and others protested that the logging was "denuding" the land and disrupting endangered ecosystems. "Ten percent of our island is being clearcut as we speak," Penn declared. No one listened. That changed last January when Penn showed up in dow... posted on Sep 10 2001, 626 reads


10Gig of RAM, SuperComputer in UK may reveal origin of universe.... posted on Sep 09 2001, 457 reads


44 percent of the nation's total immigrant population of 30.5 million arrived in the United States in the 1990s.... posted on Sep 08 2001, 451 reads


Twenty-four percent of all families raising their own children under 18 were headed by a woman with no husband living at home, compared to 22 percent in the 2000 census. The survey also found a slightly lower share of all families with their own children headed by married couples -- 70 percent, compared with 72 percent in the census.... posted on Sep 07 2001, 2,186 reads


Depression costs the U.S. $44 billion per year in lost productivity.... posted on Sep 06 2001, 529 reads


Fish that live more than 800 meters below the ocean surface don't have eyes.... posted on Sep 05 2001, 485 reads


A study of TM (Transcendental Meditation) meditators found that long term meditators have a biological age of 5 to 12 years younger than their chronological age.... posted on Sep 04 2001, 489 reads


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The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution.
Paul Cezanne

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